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大腦的語言: 神經傳遞質
Language of the brain: Neurotransmitters
As a general knowledge, the nerves originated from the brain extend throughout the human body.
電子脈衝會由大腦發出,在神經元1中穿梭,最終促使身體不同部份實行指令,例如加快呼吸、保持身體平衡等。當電子脈衝到達突觸2 ,神經傳遞質 會被釋放,並刺激隨後的神經元產生新一波的電子脈衝,以延續大腦傳送的訊息。
Electric impulses come from the brain, shuttle through different neurons1, and eventually stimulate different effector cells to perform as instructed, such as increase breathing rate, maintain body balance, etc. When electric impulses reach a synapse2, neurotransmitters will be released to stimulate the consecutive neuron(s) to produce a new wave of electric impulses, hence continuing the message sent by the brain.
神經網絡3 有如電子網路,需要完整的「閉合電路」(左圖)。然而,神經元的連繫錯綜複雜(右圖)。各個末端亦沒有互相觸碰,保留微小的空隙。神經元的末端會按照大腦指令,發出刺激性或抑制性的神經傳遞質,並透過不同的濃度和發放頻率,改變訊息的強度。
Neural network3 is comparable with electrical network, which needs a closed circuit (left image). Yet, the connection of neurons is complicated (right image). The nerve endings do not touch each other, where tiny gaps are created. When brain messages arrive, the nerve endings correspondingly release excitatory or inhibitory neurotransmitters. The nerve endings adjust the “strength” of the message by altering the concentration of neurotransmitter and its release frequency.
The role of neurotransmitters
作為化學性的訊息,神經傳遞質能改變我們的心跳(去甲腎上腺素 和 乙醯膽鹼等)、呼吸(穀氨酸 和γ-胺基丁酸)和腸道蠕動(血清素 和 多巴胺)。它亦與我們的情緒、專注力、睡眠和體重變化等息息相關,是決定個人健康的關鍵元素。
As a chemical message, a neurotransmitter can alter our heartbeat (by nor-adrenaline and acetylcholine), breath rate (by glutamate and GABA) and gut motility (by serotonin and dopamine). It is also associated with our emotions, focus, sleep and weight change, therefore being a pivotal element in personal well-being.
神經傳遞質失衡 與 都市病症
Neurotransmitter imbalance and urban illness
If the release of neurotransmitter becomes disordered, or the body lacks the raw materials, the concentration of neurotransmitters will fall out of the optimal range. The imbalance in neurotransmitters will trigger different illnesses.
據文獻估計(Clements & Earthman, 2010),由於環境污染、生活壓力、營養失衡、神經毒素 及 睡眠干擾等因素,以及酒精、咖啡因及藥物的使用,美國有86%的人口有神經傳遞質失衡的問題。以下羅列8種常見的神經傳遞質,以及它們失衡的可能影響:
As estimated by Clements and Earthman (2010), 86% of Americans have suboptimal neurotransmitter levels. Pollution, stress, poor diet, neurotoxins, sleep disturbances, alcohol, caffeine and drugs (prescription and recreational) usage can push these levels out of optimal range.
功能 |
過剩的影響 |
過少的影響 |
Dopamine 多巴胺 |
愉悅感 |
思覺失調 認知發展問題 增加睪丸酮分泌 |
無力感 專注力和記憶力不足 減少睪丸酮分泌 肌肉無力 |
Nor-adrenaline 去甲腎上腺素 |
專注力 |
壓力和焦慮 過度活躍 血壓高 疼痛 |
專注力不足 對外界無興趣 疲倦 抑鬱 |
Endorphin 安多酚 |
滿足感 |
沉迷娛樂 生活失衡 安多酚上癮
情緒不穩 失眠 上癮 疼痛 抑鬱 |
Adrenaline 腎上腺素 |
戰鬥或逃跑反應 |
缺乏上進心 失眠和焦慮 過敏發炎 血糖不穩 過度甲基化 |
完美主義者 強迫症傾向 血糖不穩 抑鬱 甲基化不足 |
Glutamate 穀氨酸 |
記憶力 |
焦慮 情緒低落 睡眠不穩 神經毒素 |
疲倦 健忘 腦功能下降
GABA γ–胺基丁酸 |
鎮靜 |
焦慮 氣促 心悸 手腳有刺痛感覺 |
焦慮 過度活躍 經前綜合症 睡眠不穩 |
Acetylcholine 乙醯膽鹼 |
學習能力 |
容易流淚 口水增多 肌肉麻痹和抽搐 視線模糊 肚瀉 |
眼乾 口乾 姿勢性低血壓 健忘 便秘 |
Serotonin 血清素 |
穩定情緒 |
頭痛 精神錯亂 顫抖 嘔吐 血壓高 心跳過快 |
情緒低落 潮熱 便秘 睡眠困難 渴求碳水化合物 |
(English version)
Function |
Excess |
Deficiency |
Dopamine 多巴胺 |
pleasure |
Psychosis Developmental Problems Higher testosterone |
Lack of motivation Focus & memory Lower testosterone Poor motor control |
Nor-adrenaline 去甲腎上腺素 |
focus |
Stress & Anxiety Hyperactivity Higher Blood Pressure Pain |
Lack of Focus Apathy Fatigue Depression |
Endorphin 安多酚 |
euphoria |
Pleasure indulgence Life imbalance Endorphin addiction
Unstable emotions Insomnia Addiction Pain Depression |
Adrenaline 腎上腺素 |
Fight or flight |
Poor motivation Insomnia & Anxiety Allergic reactions Blood Sugar imbalance Over-methylation |
Perfectionism OCD tendency Poor blood sugar control Depression Under-methylation |
Glutamate 穀氨酸 |
memory |
Anxiety Poor mood Sleep disturbances Neurotoxicity |
Fatigue Poor memory Low Brain Function
GABA γ–胺基丁酸 |
calming |
Anxiety Shortness of breath Palpitations Tingling of extremities |
Anxiety Hyperactivity PMS Sleep issues |
Acetylcholine 乙醯膽鹼 |
learning |
Lachrymation Increased saliva Paralysis & muscle twitch Blurry vision Diarrhea |
Dry eyes Dry mouth Orthostatic hypotension Poor memory Constipation |
Serotonin 血清素 |
mood |
Headache Mental confusion Shivering Vomiting Hypertension Tachycardia |
Low mood Hot flashes Constipation Sleep difficulties Carbohydrate cravings |
Bring home messages
We are used to describe people as ‘impulsive’, ‘emotional’ or ‘bad-tempered’. These characters are always perceived as personalities and unchangeable fates. Furthermore, the city is flooded with negativity. People easily burst out abusive wordings to strangers on street. Criticism and blame are mostly observed around us, rather than appreciation and admiration.
In fact, emotional control is not in born. The prevailing negativity can be caused by external factors like pollution, poor diet, sleep disturbance, alcohol, caffeine and drugs. By knowing the ‘production line’ of emotions, and how the tiny neurotransmitters control our feelings, we might finally get the key to manipulate our emotions. The power of self-determination is regained.
Focus, memory and even Intelligence Quotient (IQ) are in the same manner. Learning ability is not only determined by genetic inheritance. The release of neurotransmitter is also affected by external environment, willpower and lifestyle, which determine our daily performance.
透過掌控神經傳遞質的釋放,一切的「身不由己」,或許都將變成「 得心應手 」。掌控神經傳遞質的方式,將在下回分解,敬請期待。
Through manipulating the release of neurotransmitters, every unpleasant and uncontrolled feeling might soon become ‘under full control’. The methods of controlling these tiny neurotransmitters will be discussed later. Stay tuned.
Neuron: aka nerve cells
Synapse: the meeting point of nerve cells
3神經網絡 : 大腦有超過860億(860 x 108)的神經細胞,整個身體有超過7兆 (7 x 1012)的神經線。神經系統可為中央神經系統,和周圍神經系統。前者包括大腦、脊髓和其中的神經細胞;其中包括感覺神經細胞、神經節和中央神經系統以外的神經細胞。
Neural network: A brain contains more than 86 billion neurons. A human body contains 7 trillion nerves. Nervous system can be classified into central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS). CNS includes brain, spinal cord and the neurons within. PNS includes sensory neurons, ganglia and the neurons outside CNS.
Acetylcholine: How and Why to Optimize the Synthesis of this Vital Neurotransmitter
Actions of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurotransmitters
Adeyinka, A., & Kondamudi, N. P. (2022). Cholinergic crisis. In StatPearls [Internet]. StatPearls Publishing.
CLEMENTS, T., & EARTHMAN, B. (2010). New and Promising Technologies in the Field of Addiction Recovery: Highlights of Emerging Expertise. Journal of Social Work Practice in the Addictions, 10, 331-338.
Daniel Schroen, Cell Applications Inc / Science Photo Library
Important Nerves in the Body and What They Do
Mittal, R., Debs, L. H., Patel, A. P., Nguyen, D., Patel, K., O'Connor, G., Grati, M., Mittal, J., Yan, D., Eshraghi, A. A., Deo, S. K., Daunert, S., & Liu, X. Z. (2017). Neurotransmitters: The Critical Modulators Regulating Gut-Brain Axis. Journal of cellular physiology, 232(9), 2359–2372. https://doi.org/10.1002/jcp.25518
Neurotransmitters: Types, Function and Examples
Peripheral nervous system
The Chemistry of Anxiety and Depression