

益生菌是對人體有益的菌株,來自存活的細菌或酵母,基本作用是平衡人體腸道的微生物生態(Crichton-Stuart, 2018)。


腸胃道存在豐富的微生物群落,是超過一百萬億個微生物的聚居地,其中包括細菌、古細菌等。它們能掩蓋腸道,阻止病原體接觸和攻擊腸道;它們同時有過千種代謝物,是人體運作不可或缺的一部分,對新陳代謝、神經系統、免疫系統等有決定性的作用 (He & Shi., 2017; Shreiner et al., 2015).


在患病的情況下,腸道菌群的結構通常會發生改變;腸道微生態甚至與身體的老化和疾病的出現息息相關,如心血管疾病、癌症、二型糖尿病、癡肥、結腸炎、哮喘、腦部訊息傳遞疾病、濕疹和炎症等。(Guo et al., 2021; Sharma, 2022)






- 菌株種類


菌株們有各自的功能,例如鼠李糖乳桿菌(Lactobacillus rhamnosus)  能刺激腸道黏液的生產,加強保護腸道表層細胞;布拉酵母菌(Saccharomyces boulardii) 能預防或舒緩輪狀病毒引起的兒童腹瀉;雙歧桿菌(Bifidobacterium) 能加強腸道屏障,並維持腸道免疫平衡,減少腸道發炎。某些產品會混合不同菌株,以加強益生菌的功能發揮。(Das et al., 2016; Yao et al., 2021)


- 添加了益生質?


益生質(Prebiotics)是益生菌的糧食,能幫助益生菌在腸道良好地生長。它常見於蔬果纖維,本身不能被人體消化,只能被益生菌消化。因此,若然為初生嬰兒(0-6個月) 選擇益生菌,應避免含有高纖維益生質的產品,以防造成消化不良。


- 含有致敏原?



- 只標明了菌種,還是更包含了菌株編碼,甚至有菌株專利?


一般益生菌產品的外盒會寫上其菌株種類(如Lactobacillus rhamnosus);

進階選擇是包含了菌株編碼的產品 (如Lactobacillus rhamnosus R0011),它們擁有明確的菌株特性;最佳情況下,產品擁有專利菌株(如 Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001™ ) 。


專利菌株不但有其專屬的菌株編碼,可追溯菌株特性;更有嚴謹的臨床實驗及豐富的研究文獻,佐證其安全性和功效。(林恆圭、陳壽祥與沈舉茀, 2019)







林恆圭、陳壽祥與沈舉茀 (2019年10月9日)。 寶寶可以吃益生菌嗎?兒科醫師說話了!1分鐘搞懂益生菌小孩怎麼吃,2019年媽媽公認最有效推薦品牌. Dr. Advice. https://shopping.dradvice.asia/Article/Detail/41331


Crichton-Stuart, C.  (2018, Nov 27). Can probiotics cause side effects? MedicalNewsToday. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/323821


Das, S., Gupta, P. K., & Das, R. R. (2016). Efficacy and safety of Saccharomyces boulardii in acute rotavirus diarrhea: double blind randomized controlled trial from a developing country. Journal of tropical pediatrics62(6), 464-470.


Guo, M., Peng, J., Huang, X., Xiao, L., Huang, F., & Zuo, Z. (2021). Gut microbiome features of Chinese patients newly diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or mild cognitive impairment. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease80(1), 299-310.


He, M., & Shi, B. (2017). Gut microbiota as a potential target of metabolic syndrome: the role of probiotics and prebiotics. Cell & bioscience7, 54. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13578-017-0183-1


Sharma, R. (2022). Emerging Interrelationship Between the Gut Microbiome and Cellular Senescence in the Context of Aging and Disease: Perspectives and Therapeutic Opportunities. Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins, 1-16.


Shreiner, A. B., Kao, J. Y., & Young, V. B. (2015). The gut microbiome in health and in disease. Current opinion in gastroenterology31(1), 69.


Yao, Y., Cai, X., Ye, Y., Wang, F., Chen, F., & Zheng, C. (2021). The Role of Microbiota in Infant Health: From Early Life to Adulthood. Frontiers in Immunology, 4114.